"Like the Lord of the Rings, but with dirtier feet."
"In the early part of the film, Teatree says of the PCT, 'I gave up having friends at home so I could have friends here.' I concur. Thru-hikers are the most interesting, diverse group of people you will ever encounter, and Jester captures it all in "Wizards of the PCT." When you see each other at your best and at your worst, true friendships develop. And when you're under the spell of the Bad Wizard, well, you'll break out into song and dance quicker than the kids from Glee. Jester shows that a PCT hike is not only full of breathtaking scenery, it's also a lot of fun!"
"Wizards of the PCT . . . one of the best PCT videos out on the market. Have watched it 3 times and all the hikers who have visited Dinsmore's Hiker Haven have loved it. Thanks to Jester (Shane) for the time and miles that it took to put this together."
(Dinsmores Hiker Haven)
"I have been watching PCT videos since 2004 and I think "Wizards" is definitely the best. I can't get my wife to watch any of the other videos, but she watched this one! Well done!" -- PAUL "CAPT. BIVY" FREIMAN
"This film just keeps me coming back for more. It's the feel good film of long distance hiking hands down."
"I don't remember who it was who recommended viewing 'WIZARDS OF THE PCT' but I certainly want to thank them. Shane "Jester" O'Donnell has done an exemplary job in depicting what the PCT is really about. His videography is excellent, his "captions or subtitles" humorous and yet he is able to capture the spirit of what the hike is about -- the people.
I say without equivocation, that this DVD is far superior to the National Geographic Documentary in imparting the "feeling" of the trail. While NATGEO did a good job as a documentary, it lacked the day to day efforts, the highs and the lows that hikers experience. Check it out. I promise you'll not regret it."
"This is the best all time video of the PCT saying what it is really like to thru-hike the Trail." -- "WARNER SPRINGS" MONTY TAM
"Filth, blister popping, eyebrow plucking, more dancing than in any other trail movie ever filmed, walking thru snow, walking thru fire, Saufleys, Andersons, more filth, weird night vision shots where Jester's eyes glow green, great music, a huge burrito, very brief glimpses of The Bad Wizard, California, Oregon, Washington, very very little "how to" info, an hour and a half of inspiration, lots of fun and no sad, and even more filth. Good stuff, well worth the $20. Check it out." -- RYAN "REDNECK RYE" HAMLER
"Jester is to trail documentaries what Michael Jordan is . . . to trail documentaries." -- SCOTT "SQUATCH" HERRIOTT
"If you don't want to hike the PCT yourself after watching the movie I can't help you . . ." -- LIGHTHIKER'S WORLD